获得荣誉:天津市高校“131”创新型人才第二层次;天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才培养计划”;天津商业大学 “青年英才百人计划”
1. J. Tan*, J.-Y. Liu, H. Su, X.-H. Yang and H.-F. Li, Detection of adulteration of cumin powder by front-face synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy: the influence of the natural variation of adulterants. Food Control, 2024, 158, Article 110228. 一区top.
2. Z.-X. Liu, S.-R. Xiong, S.-H. Tang, Y. Wang and J. Tan*, A practical application of front-face synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy to rapid, simultaneous and non-destructive determination of piperine and multiple adulterants in ground black and white pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Food Res. Int., 2023, 167, Article 112654. 一区top.
3. J.-Y. Xie, J. Tan*, S.-H. Tang, and Y. Wang, Fluorescence quenching by competitive absorption between solid foods: rapid and non-destructive determination of maize flour adulterated in turmeric powder. Food Chem., 2022, 375, Article 131887. 一区top.
4. S.-S. Xue, J. Tan*, J.-Y. Xie, and M.-F. Li, Rapid, simultaneous and non-destructive determination of maize flour and soybean flour adulterated in quinoa flour by front-face synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Control, 2021, 130, Article 108329. 一区top.
5. J. Tan*, M.-F. Li, R. Li, Z.-T. Jiang, S.-H. Tang, and Y. Wang, Front-face synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for rapid and non-destructive determination of free capsanthin, the predominant carotenoid in chili (Capsicum annuum L.) powders based on aggregation-induced emission. Spectrochim. Acta A, 2021, 255, Article 119696. 二区
1. 《食品掺假检测:现代光谱与色谱技术》,延边大学出版社,2018.03
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“荧光指示剂置换型分子印迹传感器阵列及其在食品分类与鉴别中的应用”,项目编号:21405111,2015.01-2017.12.
2. 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目“天然生物活性物质超分子微胶囊的制备及应用研究”,项目编号:20110608,2011.11-2014.10.