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    2004.09-2008.06 天津大学工程力学专业,工学学士学位;

    2008.09-2013.01 天津大学固体力学专业,硕博连读,工学硕士及工学博士学位。


    1. 2017年天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第二层次人选;

    2. 2017年天津商业大学优秀教师;

    3. 2018年天津商业大学第十四届青年教师基本功竞赛(第二届青年教师讲课大赛)二等奖;

    4. 2018年天津商业大学国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀指导教师。

    5. 2019年天津商业大学优秀共产党员。

    6. 2021年天津商业大学五比双创劳动竞赛青年示范岗先进个人。



    1. 光测力学;2. 材料多尺度力学行为;3. 视网膜在体变形分析方法



[1] Zhang X*, Li Z, Wang A, et al. An optimized seed point selection method assists digital image correlation for measuring deformation from OCT images of fundus diseases[J]. Measurement, 2023: 113124.

[2] Ye J, Zhang X*, Ji H, et al. Digital image correlation based on the pre-deformation assist strategy and an optimized checkerboard-like speckle pattern for large deformation measurement[J]. Optics Letters, 2022, 47(24): 6456-6459.

[3] Zhang X*, Yang G, Ye J, et al. Digital volume correlation using a spherical shell template and cubic element for large rotation measurement[J]. Applied Optics, 2020, 59(35): 11123-11129.

[4] Zhang X*, Wang Y, Guo N, et al. Effect of ferrite/pearlite banded structure on the local deformation and crack initiation at notches in pipeline steel[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 237: 107244.

[5] Zhang X*. Effect of bubbles on measurement accuracy of digital image correlation for a stress corrosion test[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(25): 6873-6881.

[6] Ji H, Ren C, Wang Y, Guo Y, Zhang X*, et al. The evolution of strain pattern induced by banded structure under uniaxial tension in low-carbon microalloyed steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 748: 253-261.

[7] Ren C, Zhang X*, Ji H, et al. Effect of banded morphology and grain size on the tensile behavior of acicular ferrite in HSLA steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 705: 394-401.

[8] Zhang X, Chu X, Ji H*, et al. Effect of Freezing Rate on the Onion Cell Deformation Evaluated by Digital Image Correlation[J]. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(11): 3125-3132.

[9] Zhang X*, Wang Y, Yang J, et al. Deformation analysis of ferrite/pearlite banded structure under uniaxial tension using digital image correlation[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016, 85: 24-28.

[10] Zhang X*, Yang G, Zhan N, et al. Gray change detection method for damage monitoring in materials[J]. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(4): 934-939. 

[11] Zhang X, Ji H*, Qiao Z. Residual stress in self-healing microcapsule-loaded epoxy[J]. Materials Letters, 2014, 137: 9-12.

[12] Zhang X, Chen J*, Wang Z, et al. Digital image correlation using ring template and quadrilateral element for large rotation measurement[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2012, 50(7): 922-928.


[1]张晓川, 杨佳, 滕立军, . 一种基于散斑打印的纸弹性模量测试方法[P]. CN107655756B, 2020-01-10.



[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高强度管线钢带状组织中应力腐蚀裂纹萌生与扩展微观机理的实验研究,2019.01-2022.12,结题,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:高强度低合金钢带状组织微观结构和力学性能关联性的实验研究,2016.01-2018.12,结题,主持。

[3] 天津市企业科技特派员项目:高强度低合金钢应力腐蚀图像测量系统研制,2018.10-2019.09,结题,主持。

[4] 横向项目:钛合金TC4TC11试样加工及金相组织观察,2021.06-2021.07,结题,主持。

[5] 横向项目:管线钢焊缝区全场变形测试,2019.12-2020.12,结题,主持。

[6] 横向项目:焊接管道模型制作及测试与残余应力测试软件分析,2018.08-2018.09,结题,主持。

[7] 横向项目:硫化橡胶性能测试,2018.06-2019.06,结题,主持。

[8] 横向项目:焊接试件数字图像相关(DIC)实验,2018.06,结题,主持。





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