2019.08 – 2019.09 巴黎高等师范 访问学者
2009.09– 2015.06 天津大学 制冷及低温工程 硕士/博士研究生
2005.09 – 2009.07 烟台大学 热能与动力工程 本科
[1] Aiqiang Chen, Huiqin Wang, Chensi Zhang , et al. An analysis of flow characteristics during ethanol natural evaporation in capillary tubes with varying diameters[J].Applied Thermal Engineering ,2023,230:120699
[2]Jianfei Song , Aiqiang Chen *, Hanxiao Zhao , et al. Effects of surface micro-structure of fruits on droplet evaporation process: Peach and apple cases[J].Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2023,146 :110927
[3]Aiqiang Chen, Haoyan Zhang , Jianfei Song et al. Marangoni convection analysis during ethanol natural evaporation in a capillary tube[J].Microfluidics & Nanofluidics,2022
[4] Aiqiang Chen, Haoyan Zhang , Chensi ZHANG et al. On the meniscus shape and marangoni flow in capillary tubes with noncircular cross-section shapes[J]. European Physical Journal-Applied Physics ,2022
[5] CHEN A Q, EL ACHKAR G, LIU B, et al. Experimental study on moisture kinetics and microstructure evolution in apples during high power microwave drying process [J]. J Food Eng, 2021, 292(7).
[6] CHEN A Q, MENG Y, LIU B, et al. Effects of inclination on the frosting process on cold surface of copper heat exchanger [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 231
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[9] Chen Aiqiang,Yang Zhao,Zhang Na,Zhao Songong,Chen Mingfeng,Quantitative evaluation and prediction for preservation quality of cold shocked cucumber based on entropy[J]. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,2016,35:58~66
[10] Chen Aiqiang,Yang Zhao*,Zhang Na,Zhao Songsong,Chen Mingfeng,Effects of cold shock intensity on physiological activity of harvested cucumbers during storage[J]. Scientia Horticulturae,2015.01.01,197:420~427
[1] 天津市自然科学青年基金项目,18JCQNJC84600,果蔬冰温保鲜机理及配套小型装置关键技术研究,2018.04-2021.03,主持
[2] 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目,2017KJ177,冷驯化与冰温贮藏协同提高果蔬品质的机理研究, 2017.10 -2020.09,主持
[3] 国家重点研发计划项目, 2018YFD0401304,电商和跨境出口冷链物流货架寿命预测技术研发示范, 2018.07-2020.12,第2。
[4] 西藏自治区科技重大专项,茄果蔬菜采后商品化处理的研究与应用,省部级,2018.06-2019.06,第2。
[5] 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划项目,中短波紫外线对食用菌中VD2合成调控机理研究,省部级,2016.05-2019.07
[6] 天津市农业科技成果转化与推广项目,天津小站稻中低温贮藏关键技术集成与示范应用,2019.05- 2022.04,参与
[7] 天津市科委重点支撑项目,12ZCDGGX49400,新一代节能环保型冷库系统的应用推广,2013/04-2016/03,已结题,参与
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51276124,冷热温度激化抑制果蔬衰变的机理研究,2013/01-2016/12,已结题,参与
[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51076112,种子低温脱水水动态过程与生理特性的研究,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,参与
[1] 天津市科技进步奖,果蔬电商冷链物流保鲜关键技术,二等奖,省部级,第2,2021.12
[2] 第十届中国制冷学会科学技术二等奖,冷链智能关键装备研发及推广应用,4/10,2021
[3] 天津市科技进步奖,外杀菌-低温光照果蔬"产贮运销"全程冷链保鲜技术与集成示范, 二等奖,市部级,第6,2017.12