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2024年03月07日 17:05  点击:[]


姓    名:李辰

职    称:副教授/硕士生导师












[1] 2021年天津商业大学教学质量优秀奖

[2] 2018年天津商业大学优秀教师

[3] 2018年天津商业大学教学质量优秀奖


1. Li, C., Fang, R. and Li, X. (2021) Stochastic comparison on load-sharing systems with one statistically dependent redundancy, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, https: //doi.org/10.1002/asmb.2640.

2. Li, C. and Li, X. (2021) On stochastic dependence in residual lifetime and inactivity time with some applications. Statistics and Probability Letters 177, 109120.

3. Li, C. and Li, X. (2020) Weak aging properties for coherent systems with statistically dependent component lifetimes, Naval Research Logistics 67, 559-572.

4. Li, C. and Li, X. (2020) Preservation of weak SAI’s under increasing transformations with applicationsStatistics and Probability Letters 164, 108828.

5. Cai, N., Ni, W. and Li, C. (2019) Some ordering properties of series and parallel systems with dependent component lifetimes. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 48(19), 4764-4779.

6. Li, C. and Li, X. (2019 Stochastic comparisons of parallel and series systems of dependent components equipped with starting devices. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 48(3), 694-7087.

7. Li, C. and Li, X. (2019) Preservation of WSAI under default transforms and its application in allocating assets with dependent realizable. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 86, 84-91.

8. Li, C. and Li, X. (2019) Hazard rate and reversed hazard rate orders on extremes of heterogeneous and dependent random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters 146, 104-111.

9. Li, C. and Li, X. (2018) Stochastic arrangement increasing risks in financial engineering and actuarial science - a review. Quantitative Finance and Economics 2(1), 190-216.

10. Li, C. and Li, X. (2018) Preservation of increasing convex/concave order under the formation of parallel/series system of dependent components. Metrika 81, 445-464.

11. Rui, F., Li, C. and Li, X. (2018) Ordering results on extremes of scaled random variables with dependence and proportional hazards. Statistics 52, 458-478.

12. Li, C. and Li, X. (2018) On the Optimal Risk Sharing in Reinsurance with Random Recovery Rate. Risks 6(4), 114.

13. Li, C. and Li, X. (2017) Preservation of weak stochastic arrangement increasing under fixed time left-censoring. Statistics and Probability Letters 129, 42-49.

14. Li, C. and Li, X. (2017) Ordering optimal deductible allocations for stochastic arrangement increasing risks. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2017, 73, 31-40.

15. Li, C. and Li, X. (2017) Some new results on allocation of coverage limits and deductibles to mutually independent risks. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(8), 3934-3948.

16. Li, C. and Li, X. (2017) Aging and ordering properties of multivariate lifetimes with Archimedean dependence structures. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46(2), 874-891.

17. Li, C. and Li, X. (2016) Sufficient conditions for ordering aggregate heterogeneous random claim amounts. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 70, 406-413.

18. Li, X. and Li, C. (2016) On allocations to portfolios of assets with statistically dependent potential risk returns. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 68, 178-186.

19. Li, C., Fang, R. and Li, X. (2016) Stochastic comparisons of order statistics from scaled and interdependent random variables. Metrika 79, 553-578.

20. Li, C. and Li, X. (2016) Relative ageing ofseries and parallel systems with statistically independent and heterogeneous component lifetimes. IEEE Transactions on Reliaiblity 65(2): 1014-1021.

21. Fang, R., Li, C. and Li, X. (2016) Stochastic comparisons on sample extremes of dependent and heterogeneous observations. Statistics 50(4): 930-955.

22. Li, C. and Li, X., (2015) Likelihood ratio order of sample minimum from heterogeneous Weibull random variables. Statistics and Probability Letters 97: 46-53.

23. Li, C., Fang, R. and Li, X., (2015) Some aging properties involved with compound geometric distributions. Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics 77, 337-350.

24. Li, C. and Li, X., (2013) Optimal reinsurance under Expected Shortfall risk measure. Journal of Mathematical Study 46, 351-366.






上一条:统计学、应用统计-李俏俊 下一条:统计学、应用统计-唐文广


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