教育背景:1979---1983 大连海事大学轮机工程学院 本科
1985---1988大连海事大学轮机工程学院 硕士
[1] 邵阳,刘清江等.制冷系统连续融霜过程中制冷温度变化规律的研究[J].低温与超导,2019(12):47-49
[2] 宋瑞亭 刘清江 安洋洋 马晓杰.中低温冷库风机盘管的性能研究[J].低温与超导 2017(1):33--37
[3] 马晓洁,臧润清,刘清江等. 变温环境室室内热环境实验研究[J].低温与超导,2016,44(1):70-74
[4] Liu Qingjiang etal. To improve the performance and efficiency of refrigeration systems by using refrigerant pumps[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013.08 EI:20134016816723
[5] Liu Qingjiang etc. Study on the effect of the evaporator area on the heat transfer performance in the gravity feed liquid refrigeration system[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials , 2013.11 EI:20140117158788
[6] Liu Qingjiang, Ma Xiaojie, Chen Shiyuan etc. Study on evaporator area effects in the gravity feed liquid refrigeration system[J].Engineering Solutions in Industry,2014,681(1):29-32.EI:20150500465467
[7] Liu Qingjiang, Ma Xiaojie, Chen Shiyuan etc. Experiment validation of gravity feed liquid cooling evaporator simulation[J]. Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering-Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Green Building , Materials and Civil Engineering ,GBMCE 2014 .EI:20153601233560
[8] Liu Qingjiang etc.Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of the Fin-Tube Evaporator in the Frosting Condition 2004[J].The Second Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning ACRA2004 ISTP
[9] 刘清江等.憎水表面抑制结霜的研究[J].流体机械2004(4):35-37
[10] Liu-Qingjiang etc. The study of the restraining frost formation on fin evaporator under high voltage electric field[J]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cooling and Heading Technologies 26-30 July,2006 Dalian University of Technology, China
参编 《制冷装置设计》 “十一五”国家级规划教材 机械工业出版社 ISBN978-7-111-31679-4
参编《制冷与空调实验教程》—制冷部分 天津大学出版社 ISBN-7-5618-3381-0
张京京 卢鑫 付雪 曹桂群 《扩散--吸收式制冷智能休息亭》在第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛天津赛区比赛暨2017年天津市大学生创业大赛中荣获三等奖 指导教师 刘清江 2017-12-20 (天津市教育委员会)